Let's talk camping adventures as a family, motherhood, adoption, current inspiration and family portraits in 30A. 


Welcome to the blog! This is the place that I love to share recent camping trips with my family, thoughts on preserving our stories through portrait preservation and of course family photoshoots on our renowned 30A beaches. 



I thought about you yesterday and wanted to share with you how I pair our personal old family pictures with your new ones and why it matters. If I have photographed your family before you have seen me shooting with film. You have maybe even been someone who has said, “I didn’t know they even […]

Did you know that many of the printed photos you have of your family will turn yellow or fade in color by the time that your children are old enough to appreciate them? If they are exposed to sunlight, moisture, household chemicals or any other acidic element (the wood frame you have it displayed in) […]

What do printed pictures and mental health have to do with each other?  Let’s just say a lot more than you picture. 😉 (That was terrible, I know. Moving on…) Recalling good memories has a profound impact on your brain. It doesn’t just simply make you have the warm feelings all over again – the impact […]

Do you ever wonder what life was like for our grandparents? Or better yet – their grandparents? What did their days look like? What were their afternoons like when they got home from work? What was the parenting / work life balance like back then? What were their favorite holiday traditions?  I find myself wondering […]

(Pictured is our museum case in stone.) Your immediate answer may be, “well, both!” Ultimately – yes. Sure. But recently I had a revelation on this that I want to dive a little more into and tell you about.  You may have read that I have a few plans in place to keep our personal […]

This is a family that I just adore – how special it was to be their Destin, Florida photographers! Not only is Zhenia one of the most patient moms I’ve ever met, but an incredible florist in Destin, Florida with an immaculate eye for beauty. We’ve developed a friendship over the years in this little […]

How I adore this family!! I have been so incredibly fortunate as a photographer in Santa Rosa Beach that so many of my “families” have become friends from Summer to Summer of photographing them. I LOVE watching their kids grow up, more babies get added to the family and see little personalities unfold. The crazy […]

“There are two things in Autumn that particularly appeal to me. Sometimes there is a mild melancholy in the falling leaves, in the muted light, in the haziness of things, in the elegance of the slender tree trunks.” -Van Gogh 48 hours. Two plane tickets given to us. Any destination. And a babysitter. This was […]

This afternoon the sun was vividly golden, which made for some of my favorite family photos in Rosemary Beach, Florida of the Beavin Family. It was a special trip for this new family of three because it was the first time Baby S had seen the emerald waters of 30A! It was so special to […]

With so much extra time at home the past few months, I started documenting more of our normal day to days on black and white film. There is something about black and white film that takes an ordinary scenario and makes it seem timeless, thought out or more appealing than color at times. It cuts […]

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