Let's talk camping adventures as a family, motherhood, adoption, current inspiration and family portraits in 30A. 


Welcome to the blog! This is the place that I love to share recent camping trips with my family, thoughts on preserving our stories through portrait preservation and of course family photoshoots on our renowned 30A beaches. 



Tori of Victoria Austin Designs and I met on Instagram of all places. She was a wedding florist and at the time I was a wedding photographer. Our work was so similar in style that we both gravitated towards what each other was going! We ended up getting to do a few weddings together which […]

Family portrait aesthetics change each year. So what does it take to make a portrait that will truly stand the (aesthetic) of time? Truth. Truthfulness to who you are down to the outfits you choose and the location you create them in. It doesn’t matter if that is incredibly casual on a hammock or dressed […]

When Laura and I first spoke, she said that she followed me on Instagram back in the day and knew that one day when she was in 30A she wanted us to be her Seaside photographers! Years have passed and this year was the year!! I was so humbled when she told me that she […]

I cannot believe Summer is basically here. Some of y’all are already feeling it with the kids home. (Ha!) I have to admit – it is HARD having the girls home with me at all times (you can ask Cory about my endless complaining some days) but when I think back at all of the […]

If a portrait is worth taking … then it means it is worth printing. We spend so much time and mental energy contemplating outfits, locations – you name it – but was it worth it if we receive a large gallery, become overwhelmed with the number of choices, post them online and never print them. […]

Portrait by Olivia Jones Photography This Fall will be three years since I quit social media (excluding the good ol’ dinosaur Facebook business page). I was talking to a friend last week at the park (you know – actually engaged with another person/not device at a common area) and telling her the things I have […]

Photos are awesome. Printing your photos is vital. So, once you receive your family gallery – what’s next? The next step is printing your portraits. (We all know regardless of what people say – what is posted on social media – aka your family pics – doesn’t last.) But how do you know what type […]

Oh, Autumn!  Can I be honest? I have never used the term “autumn” before this year to describe the season of cooler days and warmer hues.  … But homeschooling. (Lol!) Seriously, though. All of the classical literature we are reading uses the word to describe what I have previously called Fall and needless to say, […]

I thought about you yesterday and wanted to share with you how I pair our personal old family pictures with your new ones and why it matters. If I have photographed your family before you have seen me shooting with film. You have maybe even been someone who has said, “I didn’t know they even […]

Did you know that many of the printed photos you have of your family will turn yellow or fade in color by the time that your children are old enough to appreciate them? If they are exposed to sunlight, moisture, household chemicals or any other acidic element (the wood frame you have it displayed in) […]