I literally remember it like it was yesterday! I was sitting in the Seaside parking lot waiting to meet up with Jen for lunch. We had gone to the same college together – had mutual friends – but rarely hung out together because she lived off campus while I lived in the dorms. I also knew who Jonathan was from going to a Bible study at someone’s house and he would lead worship! Somehow after college we connected and were going to meet for lunch this day in Seaside! The whole drive, I felt like God was telling me that I was going to second shoot for her. So, when she mentioned it over lunch I felt a huge relief that I wasn’t crazy! Now we are her Santa Rosa Beach photographers!
For years I second shot weddings for her and loved every minute! We had the best times traveling, staying in new places, acting the complete fool – you know – two girls on vacation together. There were a few conversations that consisted of, “When we tell J and C (what we did) they are going to kill us…” Lol. I look back now at some of those things and think man, we could have gotten in so much trouble!
She has been a mentor for me but over time – a best friend! I have loved watching her family grow from one child to THREE to now FIVE!
They took a job in Utah a few months ago and will be leaving in just a few short weeks. We photographed them one last time in Santa Rosa Beach. We both felt the Watercolor aesthetic fit them so well and also gave a nod to the Utah feel of things – as opposed to strictly sand and Gulf – though just as beautiful.
It was the most perfect day! We had a blast just hanging out and taking pictures of the kids in their natural element – running around! Jen, thank you for letting us be your Santa Rosa Beach photographers after all this time!

See more family pictures like this from your Santa Rosa Beach photographers here and here.
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