… because there’s a difference.
My sister and I were talking yesterday about homes we remember growing up. In true fashion I pulled out old photo albums with the intention of looking for photos that were taken in a friend’s home or our own to see what it was like. Was it like we remembered?
Turns out it was.
My sister and I were saying that we remember very few homes that were beautifully decorated or pristine – BUT we both remember that almost everyone of those homes that were apart of our childhood had family pictures on display. We can even remember specific pictures that were in certain friends homes!! Even then, they weren’t displayed how we display them today. They were in mix matched frames, they weren’t professional half the time and they were scattered on every surface. (My old photo album dive yesterday proved our memories correct.)
I remember in my great grandmas house, she had shelves around the tv in the main living room that had photos of all of her family – my cousins, aunts, uncles, cousins I didn’t even really know etc. They were in frames that didn’t match and many in the plastic stand up frames (You know the ones I am talking about. You can still get them for about 99 cents). She never changed the pictures out and yet every time someone came into the house, they stood around those shelves looking at the same pictures they had looked at many times before and asked, “How is ___.”
My sister made a good point when she said Pinterest/Social media has ruined all of that for us. We are more interested in making a house as opposed to making a homefilled with things, memories and people we love.
The same is true of family photos.
I see us making more photos than taking them. We are a generation so concerned with making a photo look aesthetically pleasing, everyone smiling perfect and dressed to the nines as opposed to taking a photo of what the essence of someone/something is in the moment.
I want to make my family photos feel like home.
Not like a house.
What about you, friend?
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